Cancellation Policy

We love to see our patients! Thank you for trusting us with your care.
When you schedule an appointment with one of our providers, we ensure we have set enough time aside to provide you with the highest quality care. We understand that schedules and circumstances change from time to time, so please contact our office as soon as possible if you need to change or cancel your appointment, no later than 48 business hours before your scheduled appointment time.
We want to avoid anyone missing their appointment, and as a courtesy we attempt to send out email reminders for appointments three days before the scheduled time. We also try to make appointment reminder calls two days before as well. Please do ensure we have your correct email and phone number on file, that your voicemail box and email are monitored and that your voicemail box is set-up and not full so you can receive these reminders.
Please do call and communicate with us if you think you will be late. We try to be as flexible as possible for you. Should you be running >10 minutes late for your scheduled time, we may have to reschedule your appointment and charge you a fee for the missed appointment. Please be sure to check traffic and leave enough time to find parking before your appointment to avoid being late for in-person appointments. For virtual appointments please be sure you have received the Zoom link prior to your appointment time and call our office right away if you need that resent.
Should you need to cancel or reschedule less than 48 business hrs. before your appointment, there will be a $75.00 fee applied to your account. This helps cover the costs of our staffing that has been scheduled during that time and the loss of income for our small business, as is it very difficult to sometimes find another patient to fill that slot with such short notice. We can waive this fee if we are able to convert your visit to a virtual appointment.
New Patients:
If you are scheduled for a new patient appointment and do not show for your scheduled appointment time, you may not be rescheduled and you will be charged the fee.
Established Patients:
If a third "no show" or late cancellation/reschedule without 48 business hrs. notice occurs you may be discharged from the practice.
As a courtesy, an appointment reminder call is attempted 2 business days prior to your scheduled appointment. However, it is the responsibility of the patient to arrive for their appointment on the scheduled date and time. If you do not receive a reminder call or message, the above Policy will remain in effect.
We understand there may be times when an unforeseen emergency occurs and you may not be able to keep your scheduled appointment. If you should experience extenuating circumstances please contact us right away. You may contact us Monday thru Friday between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm. After hours, you may leave a voicemail message.